Record Book

These stats and records have been taken from stat books given to players throughout the years at team banquets. Coach Estabrook kept stat books the years he coached which continued after his reign through most of the 90′s. There are however various years where stats could not be located – 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003. Some offensive stats were found during those years but none for defense. Also, no stats or proof of stats have been available for seasons before 1989. I have been able to track some things down in the old news paper clippings.  I’ve done my best.  If a player should be represented in this stat book and is not, it is likely because of the missing years. Any old stats or newspapers that can aid in the completion of these records will be gladly accepted and these records updated accordingly.Those that deserve to be represented will be.
